How to socialize your puppy

A new puppy is one the best things we can do together as a family. It is something we talk about for years, and we buy toys for it. Then, we wait to bring it home.

It will take some time to get the puppy used to living in our home. It is important that our puppy learns how to be friendly with other dogs, children, and animals. These are the habits that will guide them as they age into adulthood. These are easy tips to ensure your puppy behaves well when you’re away from home.

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What age should my puppy be socialized?

Socialization is crucial for puppies in their first year. This will help them to develop good habits for later years. Because they have not picked up bad habits like not listening to your commands or not obeying you, they are more likely to be open to this kind of training. Young dogs are less afraid of trying new things and anxious. They are more curious about new things and will investigate them.

How much socializing is enough?

You should take your puppy out as often as you can when they are old enough. This will help build their confidence. You should not overburden them, but if they seem to be getting stressed out it is time for you to bring them home. Young dogs will become more tired quickly than older dogs. If they seem to be feeling a little down, it is best to stop socializing with them until the next day. Your puppy may try to make their fears disappear by making themselves smaller. This is an indication that you need to stop socializing with them. You will see a change in your puppy’s behavior when they are happy and content. They will be more willing to stand straight and wave their tail.

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Where can I take my dog?

  • Take a walk down the high street at different times of day when it’s busy.
  • Bring your dog to a park with lots of other animals and children.
  • Visit a friend’s house to meet other dogs and children.

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  • You can take them to a puppy class, where they will get to meet other dogs.
  • Take your dog for a walk with a friend or join a group of people who have dogs.

What should I do next?

Before allowing your puppy to mix with other dogs, make sure they are fully vaccinated.

Wearing small disguises such as sunglasses or hats can help you get your puppy to be comfortable with new people.

You shouldn’t use food to encourage them to meet strangers.

Don’t just give your puppy to as many people you can. They need to show confidence and make their first move.

Your puppy should be able to tolerate noises, including traffic and schools. This will make them less anxious when you are away.

Guide to Autumn Wildlife

As the greenery turns into a stunning display of orange and brown, it is important to remember all the animals that must search for food and shelter as they prepare for winter.

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It’s fascinating to see these tiny animals struggle to find their way during the dark nights and upcoming cold snaps. We have compiled some suggestions for animals that you might be able find in your garden as nature slows down. We also offer simple ways to help them without interfering with nature’s plans.

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Look out for animals in autumn

As the season changes, you will see flocks of birds flying south to seek warmth and food. There are amazing flying displays waiting to be seen!

Red squirrels are a rare sight. However, they are more common in autumn. Red squirrels will be busy foraging for nuts to prepare for winter and will often be attracted by peanuts we place on our bird tables.

This is when red deer start to breed. You may be able see the young deer along with their mothers if you live near a nature reserve. Keep your distance from them so they don’t get scared or disturbed.

As the morning dew and frost shine on the spider webs hanging between the bushes and other foliage, you will be more aware of the number in your garden.

You can see small animals like voles, mice, and birds enjoying autumn fruits in the hedgerows.

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What can we do for wildlife this autumn?

Instead of throwing away the leaves and twigs, pick them up and put them in a corner. This will make a great hibernation spot for insects, frogs, and hedgehogs looking for warmth.

Birds that don’t migrate will seek shelter from the wind and rain. You can quickly set up a few bird boxes in your garden to keep them busy.